Minimise bad debt through balance sheet analysis

A professional business analysis performed using Creditware will provide you with assurance. You can create a clear picture of your business partners with our online analysis. Benefit from our exceptional and clever evaluation system: We analyse a company’s historical financial data and check if any similarities can be found between it and any businesses declared bankrupt in the past within the same industry.

The resulting score is much more accurate than using conventional means of evaluation. A further highlight is the extended reverse search, in which you can search for companies based on their balance sheet ratios and demographic characteristics. By entering a wide range of parameters, search requests such as these can be specifically individualised.

Based on assets and liabilities, debts and capital, with our analysis you can keep informed about the creditworthiness of companies. Creditware’s built-in index allows you to perform directly a quick assessment of the default probability of a particular company.

We will gladly even programme interfaces into your system and help you improve your credit management. This way we can develop an early risk warning system together that is tailored to your individual needs, aligned and electronically supported.


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