The correct addresses
lead to your end goal -

whereas obsolete data ends up lost in the jungle of the recycle bin.

How many direct marketing letters are sent out every year, only to be discarded – because the contact person no longer works there, the business has moved or has now gone in a different direction? – that, we don’t know. What we do know, however, is that with Rexago you will always have the very latest information at your fingertips.


Our databases alone list the addresses of half a million decision-makers, which are subdivided into management level, department and position. The information also includes around 92,000 data entries for freelancers and self-employed individuals, 53,000 addresses for professionals in the beauty and medical fields and 200,000 addresses of training course participants. This varied and up-to-date information is the basis for your successful direct marketing campaigns.


Over half a million trade and industry addresses for Austria alone, selectable according to over 7,700 sectors amongst other things, speaks for itself.



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