Looking after
your income

In 2015 alone, 122,234 private individuals and companies had to make their way to a bankruptcy court in Germany. But the number of companies affected by this is much greater. Because especially in difficult economic times, bad debt can also affect healthy companies.

With the insolvency push service, INSOBAY, we make it possible for you to make provisions for your expected income in good time. Get advance information about potential customer insolvencies.

Trying to pick out the right information every day within more than 5,500 publications from the relevant district courts is not only time consuming but also expensive. And if there are other creditors ahead of you in the queue, this also brings little success. It is therefore essential to be informed in good time about your customers’ ability to pay.

With Insobay you are also well equipped to deal with difficult times. With our insolvency push service, we not only prepare the latest information from district court publications for you every day, but we also provide you with a detailed breakdown of status information. This allows you to make internal provisions before significant financial loss is incurred.

Rexago customers can look after their business relations really easily online – at a flat rate for the booked postcode area. Individual online requests and online list queries incl. export functions are possible according to:

  • Company
  • Name
  • Reference number
  • Status type
  • Postcode area
  • Period
  • Street
  • Postcode

INSOBAY saves you a lot of research work. Play it safe and protect yourself from bankruptcy losses.



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